Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Spring & Summer Gardening

My garden this past spring has been so messed up. I was traveling at the time I should have been planting, so was unable to do so at the correct times. When I did get home *beginning of June), I went to the stores I have available (which is not much) & grabbed a few scraggly, kinda pathetic looking plants. These included Tomatoes, & Peppers. I was also able to get a Strawberry plant & a few Herbs which looked a bit better. I put the Strawberry & Herbs in pots. These included Oregano, Basil, Rosemary & Dill. The Dill died a couple days later. I am pretty sure it was due to my error in transplanting. The stem seemed to have rotted. Basil is not looking super great but hanging on. The Rosemary was decent size & it is doing great! I also bought a new Cayenne Pepper plant & placed in a pot. My last one lasted 3 years. I live in a very warm (okay HOT) & Humid climate. In Summer, think Sauna. Not fun for longer than 20 min at a time. It lasts for 3+ solid months.

I also have growing from last year Stevia & Mint. They overwintered just fine. The Stevia looks a bit leggy & the leaves not so great. The Mint seemed to be outgrowing it's pot, so I took some cuttings (they are easy to root cuttings) & rooted them in some new small pots. I did the same with the Rosemary. The cuttings are doing great (3 weeks now).

The Tomatoes & Peppers (3 colors of Bell, Jalapeno & Habanero) I planted in my square foot garden beds. They are surviving. With the Heat & Humidity (think Sauna) if we get plants started past May, they tend to not do so great, but I just gambled for the small price, since I was too depressed not to have a garden of any sort this Warm Season. I have plans to do better for my Fall Garden.

I am starting to learn about Medicinal Herbs & would like to grow many more Herbs. I would also like to learn about Wild Edibles & what is Native to my area. I love Plants, Trees, Flowers of most any kind. If not for the Sauna like Climate, I would spend much more time outdoors.

If you would like to join me in my Garden adventures along with my canning adventures which will soon be kicked into high gear (July & Aug) when I do my Fig & Pear Preservation ~stop by RedBerry at Homestead Hopes. I would love to hear from you. I enjoy making friends who have similar interests.

Take care,

My Very 1st Blog Post (Newbie Blogger)

I am not a writer. I do have loads of ideas in my head & tons of things I do around my home but I just never took the time to sit down & blog about it. I do have a Youtube Channel which I have had for 2 years now.
Stop By  & say Hi. I do gardening, canning, cooking,etc. I have seen so many blogs that I love & admire so I decided to start one & tie it in to my Youtube Channel.

Have you stopped by youtube channel yet? If not no worries~I will have another link at the bottom of this post. I love having new visitors to my channel as I am sure I will to my blog.

So off I go~starting my new blogging adventure. I hope you will join me here at my blog & also at my youtube channel RedBerry at Homestead Hopes. Be sure to leave a comment to say Hi. Also if you have any tips for a newbie blogger~I would appreciate them.

Take care,